gChoishimichih walkc6
@In the neighborhood of stone marker 72 is gRiseki 3h. Going through the
mixed forest tunnel you will find the stone marker 60 in Yatate, reaching the Koyasan road. In this area you will find
a small temple with the sand-kneaded Jizo called gYatate Suna Kone Jizoh which
is said to have been modeled by Kobo Daishi. People say, if you do not pray
with greed but from the bottom of your heart in front of this Jizo, you will be blessed with plenty happiness.
This is why he is also called gShiawase Jizoh, Happiness-giving-Jizo. In front
of the temple is a tea room famous for its gYakimochih of Hanasaka, a Japanese
sweet of red Azuki-beans wrapped in a sweet rice paste lightly roasted, one of
the Koyasan souvenirfs must.
After stone marker 54, stone marker 53 cannot be seen because it is
placed now on the Koyasan road. Another 5 km, and you will reach stone marker
6, where the Great Entrance Gate to Koyasan, the gDaimonh appears in front of
your eyes.
on the left side the gRisekih 3. on right side stone marker 72
on the right side stone marker 60 on the
Koyasan road
Stone marker 60, gYatate Suna Kone Jizoh
the Koyasan road crossed a small car street leads to the stone marker
Stone marker 59 and the gRoku Jizoh (six Buddhist sculptures called
Jizo, Sanskrit: Ksitigarbha, a protector of travellers and children)
Close to the stone marker 55 is
the gKesa gake ishih, a stone where Kobo Daishi hung up his kesa. (Kesa;
Buddhist monk cloth which covers the left shoulder and arm). From this stone
you enter the purified world of Koyasan.
gPush-up stoneh. If you manage to pass through the two rocks you will
enjoy longevity. I cannot.
the stone marker 54 you will find the gpush-up stoneh. When Kobo Daishifs
mother tried to cross the borderline to the sacred world a thunderstorm of fire
rain started to fall. Kobo Daishi lifted the rock to protect his mother, is
told. |
of the hand prints on the gpush-up-stoneh |
Environment of stone marker 50. The atmosphere of the mountain changes:
a sign that you are approaching